UK Voice’s mission to ensure that corporations and organizations operating in the UK contribute their fair share of taxes is critical for funding essential public services and infrastructure. Here’s how UK Voice plans to address tax avoidance and ensure that corporations pay their fair share:

  1. Tax Payments to the UK Government:
    • UK Voice advocates for corporations and organizations with offices and subsidiaries in the UK to pay taxes directly to the UK government. This ensures that tax revenues are used to support the country’s needs and priorities, including healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social welfare programs.
  2. Elimination of Tax Avoidance Measures:
    • UK Voice aims to close loopholes and enact legislation to eliminate tax avoidance measures that allow corporations to minimize their tax liabilities unfairly. This includes addressing practices such as profit shifting, tax havens, and aggressive tax planning strategies that enable corporations to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
  3. Obligation to Support the Country:
    • Corporations will have a moral and legal obligation to pay taxes to support the country where they operate and derive profits. UK Voice emphasizes the importance of corporate responsibility and contribution to the communities and economies in which they operate, rather than prioritizing profit maximization at the expense of public welfare.
  4. Transparency and Accountability:
    • UK Voice advocates for greater transparency and accountability in corporate tax practices, including public disclosure of tax payments and financial activities. This transparency allows for greater scrutiny of corporate tax practices and ensures that corporations are held accountable for their tax obligations.
  5. International Cooperation on Taxation:
    • UK Voice will engage in international cooperation and collaboration to address tax evasion and avoidance on a global scale. This includes advocating for international tax reforms, sharing information with other countries, and participating in multilateral initiatives to combat tax evasion and ensure fair taxation practices globally.

By enforcing fair taxation policies and closing loopholes, UK Voice aims to ensure that corporations operating in the UK contribute their fair share to support the country’s economy and society. These measures promote fairness, accountability, and social responsibility while strengthening the UK’s financial stability and sustainability.